Coming Soon

Well, it certainly has been a while since I’ve published anything here. The past year and a half has certainly been not what anyone had anticipated. But I’m back and have exciting news to share with you all.

On December 21, 2021, Between The Beats will make its debut. Both paperback and e-book versions should be available on that day.

This has been a long journey, starting way back in 2011 as my first ever NaNoWriMo project. There have been many ups and downs, countless drafts live on in my computer somewhere, the inner critic voice was pretty rude at times, but I prevailed and managed to finally shut her up (at least for a little while) and now have a finished novel.

Now I’m excited to share with you the final cover. You can also pre-order your e-book copy here. The paperback will also be available on that same page, but can’t be pre-ordered at this time.

Between The Beats cover

Now I’m off to work on the next book. Stay tuned for more news.


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