Sometimes Life Happens

Sometimes life happens and gets in the way of writing.

Yet in all the chaos, I came to realize that the characters I have started to get to know in my newest work, are telling a different story than what I was trying to write. So I will take this unintended break to figure out what story they are living and want me to share.


  1. Selma

    Hello M.E. Wow! What a way to your attention. But you’re wise my friend; instead of getting all twisted about that curve ball, you’ve chosen to rise up and catch the message. This is phenomenal insight you have! I applaud you.
    Keep going full force ahead. I send you blessings. Selma.

    1. Post
      M.E. Cooper

      Selma. I do wish the universe and my story got my attention another way that was a little less disruptive. But it’s a new week now, quiet has returned and the story begins again. Even while the hole in the ceiling remains 🙂

  2. Wendy Pearson

    M.E., I’ve been there and know exactly what you mean.

    Alfred Bester’s famous axiom “The book is the boss,” couldn’t have coined a better phrase. I always follow the story, no matter where it leads. We’re not telling the story, the characters are.

    Glad you’re done with the edits. Or at least one of your blog posts seems to indicate it.

    Missing you around the forum.


    1. Post
      M.E. Cooper

      Wendy, I have to print out that quote and put it up on my board. The same thing happened with the first book, it started out one way and then went a completely different direction. And yes, the edits are done and queries have been sent out. Now while I wait, the next story begins.
      I’m lurking around the forum, even though I haven’t posted lately and look forward to reading your next installment too.

      1. Wendy


        I’m half way through my next chapter. Hope to post by Tuesday. Tomorrow. Better late…

        Sorry, will get to your last post. My hubby has been quite ill.


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