The Next Book

Wait? You are probably saying to yourself, what about the first book? Did I miss something? Has it been published? How do I get my copy?

No, you haven’t missed anything. I’m still in the waiting phase for feedback and responses to queries that have been out for some time now. Though I’m starting to think that because I’ve had no response to those queries, that they are probably in the reject pile. So for those keeping count, that’s now lucky number 13 for the “thanks, but no thanks.”

But instead of sitting around, wallowing, having a pity party and drowning my sorrows in Amaretto Cherry Cordial ice cream (seriously, this stuff is good) I’m planting myself in front of the computer and starting work on book 2.

So what’s book 2 about you ask? Well, let me tell you what I know so far. It’s set in Las Vegas, tentatively around 1963. The old Vegas – when the mob was in control of the casinos and all the gambling, when Frank and the Rat Pack were ruling the roost, when nuclear testing was taking place in the desert and people were planning their vacations around going to watch the resulting mushroom clouds drift across the sky. Who knew that atomic tourism was actually a thing? I had heard something about it in passing, but it wasn’t until I saw this documentary on PBS that I discovered an entire industry was built around this idea. My characters are just starting to tell me their stories, how they got there, the trouble they’re getting into, and then seeing where I’ll take them next.

And that is just one of the fun things about being a writer. Getting to know these people, living with them, listening to their stories. It’s a whole other world that first exists in my head until they are released into the reader’s hands, then they take on another life.

So if you’re looking for me, I’m the one at the bar, observing, eavesdropping, and finding out all the interesting facts so I can share them with you.